Calling All Chocoholics

It's kind of ironic how my first post is about Chocolate - I personally strongly dislike Chocolate, unlike most of the population who absolutely love it. When I'm purchasing Chocolate for others, I can't help but notice all the junk and unnecessary ingredients in majority of these treats. Chocolate can have health benefits believe it or not!

Ever notice two different spellings of Cacao and Cocoa. Cacao has health benefits, cocoa not so much. Cacao is produced by cold-pressing unroasted Cocoa beans resulting in raw Cacao powder. This allows the preservation of enzymes and nutrients while removing the fat - also known as Cacao Butter. Cacao is packed with anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, magnesium, zinc, iron and it's a high source of fibre. Cocoa takes this process one step further by roasting raw Cacao at high temperatures, essentially denaturing the Cacao's original health benefits. I vote Raw Unsweetened Cacao Powder. It's extremely versatile and nutrient dense. When purchasing Cacao look for organic, sustainable and fair trade certifications. 

These super food morsels also have the added benefits of Coconut Oil. Coconut Oil is healthy fat predominately made up of Medium Chain Trigylcerides (MCTs) that are stored as energy for the body, not as fat. They help balance insulin levels, increase energy levels, and improve brain function & memory. It also contains anti-bacterial (Lauric Acid), anti-inflammatory & thermogenic properties, increases healthy cholesterol levels, helps absorb your fat-soluble vitamins, eases digestive strain on the pancreas, & is used widely for beauty purposes. I could go on and on about Coconut Oil but I'll save that for another post. In this recipe they provide that creamy goodness that melts in your mouth.



Raw Organic Coconut Oil Chocolates

  • 3/4 cup Organic Virgin Coconut Oil
  • 3/4 cup Raw Organic Cacao Powder
  • 1/8 cup Raw Honey *can substitute Maple Syrup to make Vegan
  • splash Organic Vanilla 
  • Optionals: Nuts, Himalayan Sea Salt, Nut Butters, Freeze Dried Fruit, Shredded Coconut - endless!


Melt coconut oil, cacao powder, honey (choice of sweetener)  in a double boiler or microwave in a glass measuring cup. Add a plash of vanilla & mix well. Pour into mould of choice and add toppings.


Nutrition . Strength . Wellness 



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