GF + DF + Grain Free Choco Zucchini Bites

It's summer, it's 30 degrees outside & I decided to turn the oven on to bake these tasty little bites. Regret? NOPE. These are bomb dot com! (But I'm not gonna lie, I am currently baking in my sports bra because it's a tad warm in here.) What do I love about these - where do I begin?! 

  • Veggies added to a sweet treat - check !
  • Nutrient Dense - check !
  • Made from Whole Foods - check !
  • Nut Butter - speaks for it's self - check !
  • Minimal Ingredients - check !
  • Freezer friendly - check !
  • Undoubtably Delicious - check !

I came across this recipe while browsing & I just had to try it! Thanks to the Ambitious Kitchen.


  • 1 cup grated Organic Zucchini 
  • 3/4 cup Organic Natural Creamy Peanut Butter ( I used unsalted )
  • 1/4 cup Organic Maple Syrup
  • 2 large Organic Eggs
  • 1/2 Organic Vanilla Extract
  • 3 Scoops Organic Bone Broth Protein ( I used Prairie Naturals Chicken Bone Broth Protein )
  • 1 tsp Baking Soda
  • 1/2 tsp Organic Cinnamon
  • pinch of Pink Himalayan Sea Salt ( if Nut Butter is unsalted ) 
  • 7 Squares Organic Dark Chocolate 90% (approx. 70g)

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. I combined the wet ingredients first, then I incorporated the dry ingredients until thick & creamy texture forms. I portioned them out into mini muffin tins - should yield be approximately 24 mini muffins. Or you can make it into a loaf like the Ambitious Kitchen. She used a 8x4inch greased loaf pan (or lined with parchment paper) which yielded 12 slices. 

Some of you may have recalled I am the weirdo that HATES chocolate. But I love my people, you guys so I made half with chocolate & half without. Oh my...... They are just SO GOOD! Definitely hit the sweet tooth spot. 

P.S these little goodies weren't the most photogenic but if I made more just to get the "perfect" photo I'd be fooling myself & you guys. (plus there would be more to eat) I want to be truly honest with you guys. I may not post at the right times or consistently, use the right has tags or colour schemes. I am me, a human being just like you. Perfectly imperfect. ♡


Macros with Chocolate 

106 Cal + 8g F + 6g C + 6g P


Macros without Chocolate

71 Cal + 5g F + 4g C + 5g P

Enjoy ♡