Danielle Goward R.H.N & C.P.T


about danielle

Becoming a Registered Holistic Nutritionist was my first venture into following my passion for Health & Fitness. Then obtaining my Personal Trainer Certification only seemed natural. Collectively I am also the Owner & Creator of La Health Boutique, Recipe Designer, Food Enthusiast, Source of Inspiration, Motivator & Supporter - just to name a few!

I was raised with the value of a Holistic Lifestyle - at the time I just didn't realize it. We had a beautiful garden, my parents only bought organic, grass-fed meats, we raised our own chickens, and the rest was hunted by ourselves.  As an elementary student, I was always embarrassed of my lunches because I never got "cool" snacks like Fruit Gushers or Dunkaroos. My lunch would consist of things like carrot sticks, sprouts, cottage cheese & homemade fruit leather. Now that I look back, my oh my I am thankful!

Nutrition is only a portion of a Holistic Lifestyle, a large portion is activity. Again, growing up I felt "deprived" because we didn't have any video games or obscene movie collections. Instead we spent a lot of time outside - camping, exploring the woods, playing in the back yard, building wicked snow forts in the winter - it didn't matter what season it was, there were always activities outside.  I fell in love with Soccer and played competitively. Looking back I have yet again, another reason to be forever grateful for my upbringing.

Growing up I struggled with my health ranging from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) to Anxiety to Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis to Abdominal Migraines to Ovarian Cysts. I spent a lot of time in Doctor's Offices and Hospitals. This is where I was inspired to help other with their health so that they wouldn't have to endure what I have. This inspiration led to me pursing Nursing but I very quickly discovered it wasn't for me. I still wanted to help people but how? During that time I was fed up with medications and going no where fast with my own health that I took the Natural Health Industry more seriously. I can personally attest the powerful healing properties & benefits of wholesome nutrition.


My mission is to inspire & empower a sustainable healthy lifestyle through a holistic approach.


ho.lis.tic - body + mind + spirit